María Dávila⎜Dramatis personae

El Palmeral Espacio Iniciarte⎜Málaga

In this exhibition, María Dávila presents her series "Dramatis personae" which takes the gaze as a central motif to explore the representational nature that dominates our relationship with reality: speculum and spectacle where we project a presumed identity within the splitting obtained between looking and being looked at. In these works, where identity appears in a state of constant uncertainty, self-consciousness is debated at the boundaries of a discourse constructed halfway between the gaze of others and what emerges through speech. In direct relation with a cinema which offers new forms of narrative (de)construction - like the French New Wave - or distancing to "provoke" the imagination - like surrealism - the different images dialogue like autonomous fragments of a suggested narrative but open to the viewer's interpretation.

July 30 - September 27, 2015