María Dávila⎜Aprendí a verme a través de sus ojos

La Madraza⎜Granada

La Madraza, the art center of the university of Granada, hosts the exhibition of María Dávila, "I had learnt to see myself through their eyes", focused on her recent series of pastels.

These artworks "represent a visual approximation to the experience of the first glance as the founder of personality". Based on her childhood videos, María Dávila seeks to deal with two key issues: "the search for maternal and paternal figures with whom we identify and the inevitable split of recollection between the memory of what has been lived and the technical image that replaces it". The show is entitled from a quote from Jean-Paul Sartre on the role of the look. It refers to the specific context of childhood, this moment before the language where "the character begins to form as an effect of the gazes of those who make up the family nucleus. For this reason, the fact of starting from a filmed material always implies the appropriation of a look, in this case, the one that films us", according to the artist. For her, "re-visiting and re-producing these images implies a way of returning that gaze, of resurrecting a memory that is both living and extinct."

December 1, 2022 - February 19, 2023